Theoretical physics is bunk!

All this quantum uncertainty, multiverses, and two-way temporal causality, even the big bang's always seemed a little shaky to me. String theory? That one will be highly regarded in 100 years... One thing that never seems to be acknowledged is how much of this "spooky action" could be the result of imperfect measurements.
But these people talk about all this stuff with the confidence of those who considered our flat earth the center of the universe.
I'll just quote one part of
this interesting article:
Now if you take that view - that the universe is a gigantic computer - then it leads immediately to the conclusion that the resources of that computer are limited. The universe is finite. It's finite because the speed of light is finite. There's been a finite time since the big bang. So if we have a finite universe, we have a computer with finite resources, and hence, finite accuracy. So once you recognize that the universe is a gigantic computer, then you see that the laws of physics can't be infinitely precise and perfect. There must be a certain amount of wiggle room or sloppiness or ambiguity in those laws.
Sure, first you accept that the universe is a "gigantic computer," then you realize all computers have limited resources, I mean the speed of light is finite, and there you have it, the law of physics can't really be depended on... Simple!
Anyway, this guy's got a point - maybe humanity, having evolved in forward time, is through observation, creating a universe (through backwards time) with the necessary physical laws to allow life to evolve. Simple!