Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Iran to Bush: "Reading is fun!"

The president of Iran sent a 17 or 18 page letter to the president of the United States, via the Swiss Embassy in Terhan. Historic stuff. Now, this is the president of Iran, not the Grand Ayatollah, so you know...

But still.

Isfahan Photos

What I can't help but notice is how we keep making the same mistakes with the Axis of Evil.

So, we're accusing Iran of developing nuclear weapons. Probably so, but then again, I figured Hussein was probably working on something similar. Although I was more worried about nuclear Israel being pushed too far, than about unmanned balsa wood drones targetting Pasadena.

Terhan Photos

Accusing Iran of developing nuclear weapons, refusing to "do diplomacy" directly with them, pressuring allies to go against their self-interest. It's like a recurring dream of déjà vu all over again.

With Iraq, we accused Hussein of developing proscribed weapons, we refused to let anyone deal with him seriously, we bullied our Western "allies" around, and what ended up happening? We invaded, and all was not so good.

With North Korea, we failed to hold up our nuclear bargain so Kim Jong Il started developing proscribed weapons, we refused to participate in multilateral negotiations, we offended our Eastern "allies," and what ended up happening? Kim Jong Il remained in power, and now we're talking.

Sistan Photos

With Iran, we talked tough and possibly scared them into moving forward on nuclear weapons, we're refusing to open discussions, and we're trying to push our "allies" again. So far, the relatively moderate previous president lost power, and Iran's blowing off the IAEA. So they send us a love letter - and Bush is acting like a drunken frat boy. "Take uranium off!"

Yazd Photos

As Thomas Friedman never gets tired of saying, Iran is a young, semi-modern, basically pro-American country. It's just being run by a lot of elderly theocrats. Maybe we could think of something else to do, rather than drop nukes on them.

Azarbayejan Photos

I know, I know - still letting the tone settle, it'll work itself out.
(Click on images above for more Iran photos.)
5/21/06 - Replaced photo thumbnails with links in post...


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