Global Liberal Saviours
I've read a little about this book recently - "The Good Fight : Why Liberals - and Only Liberals - Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again."

This Salon article covers a lot of ground. (You have to watch a short commercial - once per day - or register.)
The writer puts it much better, but I've often asked myself how pro-war liberals continue to dispense advice, even though they have to now admit they're not very reliable. The article kind of goes further, into "if you admit you were really wrong, why should we now buy your book, explaining how really right you were?" territory.

I think this is my favorite quote:
But if he ever claims that the long-bearded dillweeds with their 7th century reading of the Quran are some huge threat to civilization on their own merits, I missed it. The problem seems to be that we're all so shit-scared of being blown up at the mall that we'll sign up for any level of homegrown fascism that promises a remedy.

Also, Slate has this discussion between the author, a New Republic editor, and his "most vocal critic."
This quote's good too:
I'm going to sound like a jerk if I reply, "No, I think Rick Santorum is more of a threat to liberal values than the New Totalitarianism Rising From the Islamic World." But what if the NTRFIW is more or less a paranoid fantasy, projected onto a few hundred cave-dwelling crackpots who've staged a couple of ingenious attacks and inspired a few copycat crimes? And what if Sen. Santorum -- who believes, by the way, that the earth was created 6,000 years ago, in exactly six days -- represented the leading edge of a not-so-secret plan to take over the greatest military power in world history and turn it into a Christian theocracy?
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