Sunday Movies
I’d like to go to the Katy Alamo Drafthouse (?!) to see "Over the Top" at 3:30pm on Sunday.

But I might not have time to get back to the Museum of Fine Arts to see Stanley Kubrick’s "Lolita" at 6pm – one of the few Kubrick films I’ve missed. I hear James Mason is creepy as Humbert Humbert.

See you there?
Or go see Sly – here is my winning entry from an old AIM Friday Movie Contest (category – "Worst Stallone Movie"):
From Jay H…: Finally, an easy one that I already have an answer for... This is one of my favorite movies to mock, so there may be some mix of the actual movie and my mockery of it.
"Over the Top" is the story of Lincoln Hawk. (snicker) Lincoln Hawk, the truck driver with a rough exterior. But a heart of gold. Lincoln Hawk has a son, that his rascally no-goodnik grandfather (the kid's, not Lincoln Hawk's) is keeping away from our working class hero. Lincoln Hawk grabs the kid, hits the road, and... breaker 1-9, breaker 1-9... becomes a real-lifelike sensitive fatherman to the boy. The wealthy and aristocratic grandfather sends some thug-style goons to capture the kid back. Trust me, it's not because he loves the kid; it's because he's evil and lives to thwart Lincoln Hawk! Anyway, the final showdown comes, and Lincoln Hawk has to face the ultimate challenge to save his newly-beloved son. Yes, Lincoln Hawk has to... Arm Wrestle. At a high-stakes Arm Wrestling Competition. Against the world's top professional tough-guy Arm Wrestlers, with lots of facial hair and menacing attitudes. Lincoln Hawk grunts and strains, then goes out to win the World Heavyweight Arm-Wrestling and Tough-Guy Competition in the finals, against the no-good Rockefeller gran'pa, whose arm Lincoln Hawk completely messes up bad.
Again, much of this is not in the movie, but is in the spirit of the movie.
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