This Slate article reminded me of a comic that I read for awhile - Transmetropolitan. Seems these weirdo's always have a jump on reality.

Over the weekend, I sold a bunch of stuff (making room in the new house). I made $70 selling (trading) some old comics that I didn't really want anymore, and since it was $20 less to take cash, I bought (traded for) two things.
This and this.

The Invisibles by Grant Morrison is one of my favorite books of all. Forget that it's got panels, and speech balloons, and art and stuff. Forget that it's supposed to be a magic spell to change the course of human history. It's got bomb-throwing, time-travelling, spell-casting anarchists - lined up against mind-controlling, soul-eating, reality-bending monsters. (And by that, I mean it's a deep philosphical treatise on the core nature of physical reality, the Western tradition of liberty, and the violence/romance dialectic of modern literature.) With rock-and-roll too.

I'd heard about Frank, and other stuff, by Jim Woodring for awhile. But I could never find any of his stuff. When I saw this book had the intro by Francis Ford Coppola, I went ahead and bought it. Very odd.
Just in case yer interested.
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