Goodbye, nocturnal killer...
About a week ago, one of the Upside-down Catfish appeared after a long absence. We hadn't seen them in awhile, but this was supposedly not usual - given that they're almost completely inactive at night. Problem was that it was gigantically bloated around the stomach area. A little fish-counting, and we realized one of the female German Blue Rams couldn't be located.
Further investigation shows that Mr. Bloatfish had disposed of his prey (the Ram and two fellow Catfish) the old-fashioned way. I cleared out potential hiding places (plants), and pulled out the big log. Verified the missing, and nabbed the perp. So, now he's gone... can't have a known killer skulking around.
As unfortunate as the whole scenario is, the tank was at its population limit, and this opens the window to a less nocturnal, more active, and hopefully less murderous future.
So long, Flipside and two subsequent "buddies"... So long, nameless harem Ram... I hardly knew ye.

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