Congratulations, it's an aquarium!
Ok, no offense to the Gold White Clouds - I really like them. But today, you are an aquarium.
I'm not done, but I think the tank has reached that point. Here's a quick inventory, in order of acquisition:
10 Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnows - nice color, very active, voracious feeders

6 Rummy-Nose Tetras - bright red "nose," true schooling fish - they stick together constantly

3 Upside-Down Catfish - shy, but good personalities, swim upside down
Quick story: I asked the Fish Mart guy if they would be active out in the light - he pointed out their light was on (in the undecorated tank). I asked if they'd be okay with just one - he said they're not really social. I get one ("Flipside") and he's zealously nocturnal, and never came out from under the driftwood. Until I got two more. I did a better job of moving them in, and they're more active and hide less. Flipside now makes cameos now and then. Distrust everyone.

1 Inspector Pleco - shy bottom-feeder, but cool-looking, and FAST

~10 Algae-Eating Shrimp - for algae maintenance... mostly scoot around decorations, but swim around some
So far, two are down - probably the catfish couldn't resist
And today...
6 German Blue Rams - very, very cool-looking.
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