Who's this Barry Bonds guy?
Nice, Astros. Three-game home stand vs. the SF Giants. Swept.
Total score: 34-5.
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Bonds is still one HR behind Babe the Big Blue Ox, or whoever it is.
The big news of course was the fact that it took Russ Springer five pitches to plunk Bonds the Big Bald Head – well, it actually hit him near his oddly-musculatured neck.
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I think Bonds has been a self-absorbed jerk well before The Steroid Story, or Chasing The Babe – so it’s not like I’m rooting for him. But I think he has to get caught breaking an MLB rule, or convicted of a performance-related crime, to put an asterisk by any record(s).

Now keeping him out of the HOF is another thing – that’s all up to the voters. And maybe MLB should ban him, for purity-of-the-game reasons.
I also will admit that I think a white jerk would not get the same hatred from some quarters, and if some (white) Cal Ripken-like superhero were in the same position, even less so. Also a really charismatic non-white player would be much better able to weather the storm. So, race matters. But so does Bonds being a complete tool.
[from work. Let’s see whether the normal links work...
Well, not so much... looks like evenings and weekend.
Cleaned-up some links and added the picture.]
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