Sincere, ethical Metal freaks
I found an old Into Another mix tape while I was putting my stereo together. Tested out the casette deck with it. Hilarious.

They had a couple of videos - you can click on the title to see "Splinters" (1992).
The next morning.
I realized that last night I successfully linked to "Splinters," but kind of didn't say anything about this basically unknown band, except 'hilarious.' Anyway, I really like(d) them. They were a weird mixture - serious metal musicianship, serious quasi-operatic/hardcore vocals, utter sincerity, ethical topics. This bad live home video is of a pro-respecting women song.
Their songs were mostly heavy metal, but they always sounded pretty significantly different from one another. And the lyrics sounded as overblown as they seemed heartfelt. Song topics: sadistic demon lords, hypnotic love, space travel, various forms of abuse, murder mysteries, masochistic love, Catholicism, vegetarianism, awkward childhoods, psychological mutation, domestic violence, the lack of trust in society, that kind of thing...
Looks like a new video comp coming soon.
And the lead singer's mining some acoustic/sensistive singer/songwriter vein. New album this year? Weird.

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